Video-Infused Marketing Postcards

Video-driven postcards to generate more listings.  Guaranteed listings… or your money back.

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Video-Infused Marketing Postcards

Video-driven postcards to generate more listings.  Guaranteed listings… or your money back.

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What are Video-Infused Postcards?

Agent Dominator’s™ Video-Infused Postcards™ (“VIP”) are a proprietary style of postcards we created that generate substantially more listings than standard real estate postcards.

They incorporate 3 primary design components that make them more effective…

First, we’ve developed a process to “infuse” video into the postcards.  This delivers a significantly more powerful, personal message from you to your prospects.  Once prospects “meet” you through video, they are as much as 8 to 10 times more likely to choose you to sell their home.

Second, after having conducted over 75 marketing tests on over 2 million postcards mailed, we have identified the specific messages, fonts and designs that convert the highest number of sellers to respond.  We fully customize both the postcards and video scripts for you using these test results for maximum performance.

And third, our proprietary StealthTracker™ technology identifies, with pinpoint accuracy, exactly which homeowners are engaging with your videos. These are prospects likely thinking about selling right now, and we notify you who they are so you can reach out to them immediately to get the listing.

Our results are so powerful that we guarantee the listings you will receive, or your money back.

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Pricing and Money Back Guarantee

Pricing is $0.73 per address per month for our fully customized Video-Infused Postcards, and $0.65 per address per month for our Lite version (pricing assumes using Smart Targeting for increased performance).

If marketing to personal contacts, we guarantee about 1 out of every 3 listings in your first year. If marketing to a geographic farm or other list, we guarantee about 1 out of every 7 listings in your first year. 

Custom Content

A significant key to our results is our custom content. We don’t use a “one size fits all” cookie-cutter approach like many marketing systems. Our content — both for postcards and videos — is written by professional copywriters and is customized to you.

When you get started we’ll have you complete a short questionnaire. Part of the questionnaire has specific questions that enable us to understand what differentiates you from your competition.

From that, our copywriters create an entire year’s worth of custom content to be used in our video-infused postcards, then send it to you for approval. If anything needs to be changed, we will make as many revisions as needed to get it right for you.

Then, once you’ve approved the content, we deploy it through multiple channels, both online and offline, to touch your list several times a month, driving sellers to you.

Results from a few more of our clients…